Friday, November 25, 2011

pembeli minyak bunga matahari

saya dapat surat penawaran/pembelian dari bulgari. mereka minta bunga matahari 2x sebulan dengan kondisi sbb ;

    Sunflower oil refined We, S.xxxOIL TRADING SRL , hereby state and represent that it is our intention to purchase, and we hereby confirm that we are ready, willing and able to purchase the following commodity as per the specification and in the quantity and for the price as specified in the terms and conditions as stated below. 1) Commodity: REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL 2) Quantity: 500 MT x 2 delivery/Month. 3)Term of delivery: 1.000 MT/MONTH CIF Constanta/ DDP Bucharest Quantity: 500MT Packaging: 1L/Pet Price: our target price it is 700$
    terjemahan dari google sbb;
    Minyak bunga matahari disempurnakan Kami, SxxxxxK TRADING SRL, dengan ini menyatakan dan menyatakan bahwaitu adalah niat kami untuk membeli, dan kami dengan ini kami konfirmasikan bahwa kamisiap, bersedia dan mampu membeli komoditas berikut sesuai spesifikasi dan dalam jumlah dan untuk harga sebagai ditentukan dalam syarat dan kondisi sebagaimana tercantum di bawah. 1) Komoditi: MINYAK DIMURNIKAN bunga matahari 2) Jumlah: 500 MT x 2 pengiriman / Bulan. 3) Jangka pengiriman: 1.000 MT / BULAN CIF Constanta / DDP Jumlah: 500mt Kemasan: 1L/Pet Harga: Harga target kami adalah 700 $

Saturday, November 19, 2011

export import nilam

I want to buy base oil: SN 60; SN 150, SN 500 , BS 150 , transformer oil base stock and lithium grease to Vietnam.

Quantity: 20,000 MT /year.

Please contact me if you can supply.

Thank you,
Best Regards

Vu Thanh Ha

Quantity: 20,000 MT/year
Packaging: drum, flexitank, bulk
Price: C&F haiphong, Incoterm 2000

pembeli nilam

terimakasih atas pemberitahuannya, mohon informasi ​ lebih detail silahkan kirim ke, terimaksih

CV. zxxxbbah

pembeli nilam

Terima kasih atas emailnya.

Mohon kirim penawarannya ke email kami :

Kami butuh 1-2 ton per bulan.

Terima kasih & salam,


CV.uxadssa Aradfktoma/Jujur Mujur

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

pembeli minyak nilam dan pembeli minyak cengkeh

[To Buy] Spices

Dear Sir,

We are looking for exporters of following

Cinnamon, Clove, Anise, Nuts, ..
Dominican Republic15-Nov-2011  
[To Buy] Spices and Botanical Herbs

Dear Sir,

We are looking for Spices & Ayurvedic Herbs.
Kindly quote us the best possible CIF ..
[To Buy] Spices

Dear Sir,

We need the following products:
1. 1 ton Nutmeg seeds.
2. 6 ton Cinnamon stick.
3 ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We have regular customers that import cloves
regularly. Please send us an email if ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We woud like to ask about the price for Cloves
per Kg for now? and minimum quantity ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir / Madam,

We are interested in Cloves. So, could you
please quote us a price of clov ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We are one of the leading importer of Spices.
So, kindly quote your best prices for ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We are looking for Cloves.
Will you please send us FOB Based prices
for the follow ..
[To Buy] Essential Oils

Dear Sir,

We need perfume & oil and sticks in bulk
for agarbatti manufacturing.

Kindly se ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We want to import 20 mt of cloves to India
please give specification grade wise th ..
[To Buy] Spices

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We need all types of spices turmeric, cloves,
cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon, bla ..
[To Buy] Cloves

We are looking for cloves from cameroon origin.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Contact: ..
[To Buy] Cloves & Black Pepper

We want to buy Cloves & black Pepper.
Quote Your lowest CIF Rate and % of

Contac ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

Kindly let us know whether you are holding any
available stocks for cloves.

Qua ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We have an urgent requirement of low quality
Cloves 10 MT/month.

Kindly send us ..
[To Buy] Cinnamon & Cloves

Dear Sir,

We request you to please send us your current
rates Of Cinnamon, Cloves and more t ..
[To Buy] Red Onion, Cardamom & Cinnamon etc.

Dear Sir,

We are interested to buy large quantity of
Red Onions immediately, at least 500MT ..
[To Buy] Cloves Stem & Cinnamon

Dear Sir,

We are looking for suppliers of Clove Stem
& Cinnamon, cheap quality.

Please p ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We wish to import Cloves, Dry & Clean.

Length: 1-2cm.
Diameter ..
[To Buy] Cloves

Dear Sir,

We wish to import 50 tones of Cloves.

Hence, we request you to please provide
t ..

ini surat penawaran dari eksport import luar negeri

Minyak atsiri

Minyak Atsiri merupakan senyawa organik yang berasal dari tumbuhan dan bersifat mudah menguap, mempunyai rasa getir, dan bau mirip tanaman asalnya. Minyak atsiri dikenal dengan nama minyak eteris atau minyak terbang, atau sering pula disebut minyak essential. Bahan baku minyak ini diperoleh dari berbagai bagian tanaman seperti daun, bunga, buah, biji, kulit batang, akar, dan rimpang.

Minyak atsiri banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk industri parfum, bahan pewangi (fragrances), aroma (flavor), farmasi, kosmetika dan aromaterapi.
Berbagai macam tanaman yang dibudidayakan atau tumbuh dengan sendirinya di berbagai daerah di Indonesia memiliki potensi yang besar untuk diolah menjadi minyak atsiri, baik yang unggulan maupun potensial untuk dikembangkan. Tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri yang termasuk unggulan adalah tanaman yang memiliki volume produksi cukup besar di dalam negeri dan hasil minyaknya telah sangat dikenal di pasar dunia. Tanaman dalam kelompok ini misalnya nilam, akar wangi, pala, cengkeh, dan sereh wangi.
Proses produksi minyak atsiri dapat ditempuh melalui 3 cara, yaitu; (1) pengempaan (pressing), (2) ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut (solvent extraction), dan (3) penyulingan (distillation). Penyulingan merupakan metode yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mendapatkan minyak atsiri.  Penyulingan dilakukan dengan mendidihkan bahan baku di dalam ketel suling sehingga terdapat uap yang diperlukan untuk memisahkan minyak atsiri dari komponen bukan minyak atsiri atau dengan cara mengalirkan uap jenuh dari ketel pendidih air (boiler) ke dalam ketel penyulingan yang berisi bahan baku minyak atsiri.
Minyak atsiri merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor agroindustri potensial yang dapat menjadi andalan bagi Indonesia untuk mendapatkan devisa. Negara tujuan ekspor seperti USA, Eropa, Australia, Afrika, Cina, India, dan ASEAN. Beberapa minyak atsiri unggulan seperti minyak nilam telah memberikan pangsa pasar lebih dari 90% kebutuhan dunia atau sekitar 35-40% dari total nilai ekspor minyak atsiri. Sementara untuk ekspor minyak daun cengkeh dan turunannya telah menyuplai lebih dari 70% dari kebutuhan dunia, dan lebih dari 90% kebutuhan dunia untuk minyak pala disuplai oleh Indonesia. Minyak atsiri lainnya juga berperan penting di pasar dunia seperti minyak akar wangi, minyak sereh wangi, minyak kenanga, minyak jahe, minyak jeruk purut, minyak adas, minyak kemukus, minyak kayu putih, minyak massoi, minyak cendana, minyak gaharu, dan lain-lain.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Essentials oil from indonesia

The essential oil Lemongrass is extracted from the leaf by steam distillation. It is yellow in colour with a tangy citrus and grassy aroma.

Lemongrass essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the fresh or dried leaves of lemongrass; the oil of lemongrass is yellow in color with a citrus/ grass/ lemon fragrance. The essential oils extracted from the West Indian and East Indian species of lemongrass are similar in fragrance and color, although the West Indian lemongrass species is lighter and fresher.

Traditional Use of Lemongrass in Medicine

Lemongrass has been used in traditional Indian Medicine for a long time to treat fever and disease; in traditional Chinese Medicine, lemongrass is used to treat rheumatism, headaches, colds and stomach pain. Today, lemongrass is still used in India for fevers and disease and also as an insect repellent.

Use of Lemongrass Essential Oil in Aromatherapy

Lemongrass essential oil is analgesic, anti-microbial, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, insecticidal, sedative, nervine and a tonic; in aromatherapy, lemongrass oil is used to treat acne, to repel insects such as fleas, lice, ticks and mosquitoes, to relieve muscle pain, indigestion, fever, disease, headaches, stress and nervous exhaustion.

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus
Aroma: Lemony, fresh, earthy
Properties: Antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic, antidepressant and antiseptic
Uses: Stress, Flatulence, Acne, Muscle Aches, Athlete' s Foot, Scabies, Excessive Perspiration

1. Appearance = Tipe East Indian - Tipe West Indian
2. Specific Gravity ( 20° C) = 0.8902 - 0.8731
3. Refractive Index ( 20° C) = 1.487 - 1.4587
4. Optical Rotation ( a) D = ( + 0.25) - ( + 0.2)
5. Citral ( % / w/ w) = 80.2% - 76.1%
6. Solubility in 80% ethanol ( v/ v) = 1 : 2 - 1 : 4

Oil properties
Lemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color, with a watery viscosity.

Origin of lemongrass oil
It is a perennial fast-growing aromatic grass, growing to about 1 meter ( 3 feet) high with long, thin leaves and originally was growing wild in India. It produces a network of roots and rootlets that rapidly exhaust the soil.

In India it is known as ' choomana poolu' and is also referred to as ' Indian Verbena' or ' Indian Melissa oil' and used in Ayurvedic medicine to help bring down fevers and treat infectious illnesses. It is a valuable ingredient in perfumes and citrus-type soaps and is also an insect deterrent.

Lemongrass oil is extracted from the fresh or partly dried leaves by steam distillation.

Chemical composition
The main chemical components of lemongrass oil are myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral.

Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of lemongrass oil are analgesic, anti-depressant, antimicrobial. antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, nervine, nervous system sedative and tonic.

Pembeli Minyak Nilam, Minyak cengkeh, Minyak atsiri, Minyak sereh

Date & Time: 2011-11-14 09:40:20
Subject: RFQ: crude degummed rapeseed oil, oil

    Crude degummed rapeseed oil

    Dear Supplier,

    We are the Belarus - Lithuanian
    buyer, looking for the Crude
    Rapeseed Oil DIN 51605 for
    biodiesel, 12500mt monthly x 12,
    FOB any see port or CIF Baltic see
    port Klaipeda. Be so kind
    providing us with more
    information on your ability to
    meet our needs.


permintaan importir luar negeri, saya bingung, saya tawari minyak nilam, minyak cengkeh,minyak sereh tapi sang pembeli malah minta Crude degummed rapeseed oil saya tidak tahu apa artinya klo ada yang ngerti dan mempunyai stok hubungi saya.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pembeli Minyak Nilam

Dalam bisnis selain uang dan kepeercayaan yang bicara ternyata bahasa juga merupakan alat komunikasi yang vital, seperti yang terjadi malam ini.

setelah coba-coba menghubungi import dan eksportir minyak nilam atau lebih tepatnya minyak atsiri asal india tidak disangka saya dapat respon positif, kalau dulu bingung mencari pembeli sekarang bingung pembelinya minta apa ?

itu tadi karena persoalan bahasa, baik saya kutip saja siapa tahu ada yang tahu artinya dan bisa kerjasama untuk memenuhi permintaan inspsektur bijey.

ini dia pote2nya

Date & Time: 2011-11-10 13:52:52
Sender: A Indian ......... Company, Milan .....
Subject: RFQ: neem oil, oil

    Wanted Oils in India We Trade with 48 countries worldwide. Import, Export & local Trading. We are interested to procure Neem Oil , Moringa Oil and other Oils for our Clients in India and abroad. Do send us your Min. quantity order, & product details. Thanking you, Milan Mehta, B.E ( Chem. ) Quantity: Large Packaging: Bulk Price: FOB Exporter Seaport & CIF JNPT, INDIA
ada yang tahu FOB exporter seaport adalah ...
CIF JNPT adalah .......
     procure Neem Oil ,adalah ......
     Moringa Oil  adalah......

Friday, November 4, 2011

mesin destilasi minyak nilam

melihat banyaknya petani nilam yang memproduksi minyak nilam menggunakan mesin destilasi baik buatan sendiri maupun buatan orang lain, membuat saya tertarik untuk mengetahui keefektifan hasil minyak nilam yang dihasilkan.

kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui apakah hasil yang mereka peroleh sudah maksimal atau belum. bayangkan ada petani sekali destilasi hanya menghasilkan 7 kg dengan berat daun dan batang  250 kg.

dengan latar belakang itu saya mencoba membuat alat destilasi yang serba otomatis dan hasil yang diperoleh berbeda signifikan dengan yang diperoleh petani, hal ini disebabkan karena petani tidak mengetahui carfa perlakuan bahan baku.

adapun penyebabnya adalah
1. waktu panen daun
2. perlakuan pengeringan
3. cara perlakuan bahan baku sebelum destilasi
4. rancangan mesin yang berbeda

untuk teman-teman yang membutuhkan alat destilasi yang serba otomatis silahkan hubungi kami. adapun penawaran harga mesin kami hanya Rp 65.000.000

yang menjadi kendala juga adalah harga pasar luar negeri yang tidak tranparan bayangkan kemarin saya m,enghubungi importir asal cina mereka menanyakan harga minyak nilam untuk sekali pengiriman 1000 kg, minyak adas 1000 kg, minyak resemary 10 kg, bingung saya kasih harga
jika ada teman yang bisa membantu bisa juga berbagi disini

Potential Development of Patchouli Plants

patchouli oil plants from indonesia
Plants Patchouli is a tropical shrub species are very numerous and easily grown inIndonesia, this plant produces patchouli oil, which is one type of essential oil obtained bydistillation of patchouli leaves. This plant thrives in almost all parts of Indonesia, such asJava, Sulawesi, Sumatra and other areas, but the centers of production remained on the island of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi in part.

Patchouli plant is a type of plant pests that are not preferred, because there are thrustinstead of the scent is also widely used as raw material for pesticides. Tananam agePatchouli can be up to 2 years with the first harvest after the age of 6-8 months, and 6months to harvest (depending on treatment). Manure and organic fertilizers, and even more suitable for the quality and the quality of patchouli plants.

As an export commodity, patchouli oil has excellent prospects because the price isrelatively expensive and required continuously by the perfume industry, cosmetics, soaps,and others. Use of patchouli oil in the industry due to high power fiksasinya otherfragrance materials, which can bind and prevent the evaporation of fragrance perfumingsubstance that smelled just not quickly disappear or are more durable such as perfumesin the market.

Patchouli oil demand and consumption of the world around 1000 tons / year, the biggest demand from the United States about 250 tons / year, Britain, France, Switzerland,Germany and the Netherlands require about 200 tons / year, and the rest other consumercountries. Data Patchouli world oil demand in 2008, (the source of

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Essential Oils Business Opportunity

patchouli oil nilam
Talk about non-oil export commodities, essential oils of patchouli is one of the mainstay.Even our country was recorded as the largest exporter of patchouli oil in the world.Although popular in the international market, oddly enough patchouli essential oil is less familiar to our ears. Moreover, little is known patchouli plant with a good figure. Yet this is a business opportunity in the future. Patchouli is one of the 150-200 species of plants producing essential oils. In Indonesia alone there are about 40 - 50 types, but only about 15 species are cultivated commercially.
Patchouli plants Pogostemon patchouli has a cool nickname or Pogostemon cablin Benth, aka Pogostemon Mentha. Originally from the Philippines, but has been developed also in Malaysia, Madagascar, Paraguay, Brazil, and Indonesia. Because of the widely grown in Aceh, Aceh and then also called patchouli. This variety is much cultivated commercially.
Until recently the Special Region of Aceh, especially South and Southeast Aceh, still the largest center of patchouli plants in Indonesia (Directorate General of Plantation, 1997).Followed by North Sumatra (Nias, South Tapanuli), West Sumatra, Bengkulu, Lampung, Central Java (Banyumas, Banjarnegara), and East Java (Tulungagung). Generally, people are still dominated by small-scale plantations. The potential of this area that can later be used as a promising business opportunities. Because the demand for essential oils in various overseas markets quite a lot. Contribution of volatile oil exports small relative to the value of Indonesia's total foreign exchange. However, there was a rise in demand every year. Even the increase is quite sharp. So the essential oils business opportunity in terms of development the industry is wide open.
Other varieties, Pogostemon heyneanus, originated from India. Also called the java patchouli or patchouli woods as many grown in the forest on the island of Java. There is another Pogostemon hortensis, or patchouli soap (essential oil can be used for washing clothes). Many of the region, Banten, West Java, Java patchouli-like figure of the plant, but not flowering.
Essential oils (or asiri) also called the etheric oil or flying oil (essential oil or volatile). So named because it is easy to fly (yawn) at room temperature (250C) without decomposition. The smell of essential oils are generally typical, according to the type of plants. Is easily soluble in organic solvents, but not water soluble.